Standard name Systematic name Name description Description
ASP3-1 YLR155C Cell-wall L-asparaginase II involved in asparagine catabolism Cell-wall L-asparaginase II involved in asparagine catabolism; expression induced during nitrogen starvation; ORF contains a short non-coding RNA that enhances expression of full-length gene; likely arose in via horizontal gene transfer from the wine yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus or a close relative; reference strain S288C has four copies of ASP3; ASP3-1 has a paralog, ASP3-3, that arose from a segmental duplication
Visualize the interactome of ASP3-1
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Cell cycle phase and timing of transcription peak

Cell cycle phase Time (min)

CYCLoPs localization & abundance

no data no data no data

GFP localization & abundance

GFP localization GFP abundance
no data no data

GO term count

Metabolism Cell cycle Cell division Signal transduction DNA replication
ASP3-1 1 0 0 0 0

Enzyme information

Catalyzed reactions in Yeast8
r_0680 (L-asparaginase)

List of interactors

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Standard name Systematic name Name description Type #Experiments #Methods #Publications Evidence
MSN2 YMR037C Stress-responsive transcriptional activator regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
YAP6 YDR259C Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
SRB2 YHR041C Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
GLN3 YER040W Transcriptional activator in nitrogen catabolite repression system regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
ADF1 YCL058W-A Transcriptional repressor encoded by the FYV5 antisense strand regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence
NGG1 YDR176W Subunit of chromatin modifying histone acetyltransferase complexes regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
PGD1 YGL025C Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence