Standard name Systematic name Name description Description
ASG1 YIL130W Zinc cluster protein proposed to be a transcriptional regulator Zinc cluster protein proposed to be a transcriptional regulator; regulator involved in the stress response; regulates utilization of fatty acids and accumulation of lipids
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Cell cycle phase and timing of transcription peak

Cell cycle phase Time (min)

CYCLoPs localization & abundance

Nucleus 0.98 0.972 0.971
Mito NaN NaN 0.081

GFP localization & abundance

GFP localization GFP abundance
no data no data

GO term count

Metabolism Cell cycle Cell division Signal transduction DNA replication
ASG1 0 0 0 0 0

List of interactors

Use the search utility to find the interactor you are looking for. By clicking the column headers the table will be sorted on that column. Use shift+click to sort on multiple columns. Default sorting is on number of experiments, number of unique methods and the number of publications, and alphabetical on standard name, in that order.
Standard name Systematic name Name description Type #Experiments #Methods #Publications Evidence
FKH1 YIL131C Forkhead family transcription factor regulation 2 2 2 chromatin immunoprecipitation- exonuclease evidence, ChEC-Seq experiments
FKH2 YNL068C Forkhead family transcription factor regulation 2 2 2 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence, ChEC-Seq experiments
PKC1 YBL105C Protein serine/threonine kinase genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
PRP31 YGR091W Splicing factor genetic 2 1 2 Positive Genetic, Positive Genetic
ZRG17 YNR039C Endoplasmic reticulum zinc transporter genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ACT1 YFL039C Actin, structural protein in cytoskeleton genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SGV1 YPR161C Cyclin (Bur2p)-dependent protein kinase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ADA2 YDR448W Transcription coactivator regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
FLO11 YIR019C GPI-anchored cell surface glycoprotein (flocculin) regulation 1 1 1 northern blot evidence
APC11 YDL008W Catalytic core subunit, Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ALG5 YPL227C UDP-glucose:dolichyl-phosphate glucosyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VRP1 YLR337C Verprolin, proline-rich actin-associated protein physical 1 1 1 Two-hybrid
MSL5 YLR116W Component of commitment complex physical 1 1 1 Two-hybrid
KSS1 YGR040W Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) physical 1 1 1 Biochemical Activity
HEK2 YBL032W RNA binding protein involved in asymmetric localization of ASH1 mRNA physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
NAB2 YGL122C Nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding protein physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
DSN1 YIR010W Essential component of the outer kinetochore MIND complex physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
HHF1 YBR009C Histone H4 physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
HHF2 YNL030W Histone H4 physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
PAT1 YCR077C Deadenylation-dependent mRNA-decapping factor physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
SBP1 YHL034C Protein that binds eIF4G and has a role in repression of translation physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
SPT10 YJL127C Histone H3 acetylase with a role in transcriptional regulation physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
PUF3 YLL013C Protein of the mitochondrial outer surface physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
PUF2 YPR042C PUF family mRNA-binding protein physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
ISW1 YBR245C ATPase subunit of imitation-switch (ISWI) class chromatin remodelers physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
MPT5 YGL178W mRNA-binding protein of the PUF family physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
CCR4 YAL021C Component of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
DHH1 YDL160C Cytoplasmic DEAD-box helicase and mRNA decapping activator physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
ORC2 YBR060C Subunit of the origin recognition complex (ORC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
KAE1 YKR038C Highly conserved ATPase of HSP70/DnaK family genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MAD3 YJL013C Subunit of spindle-assembly checkpoint complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RGT1 YKL038W Glucose-responsive transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPB2 YOR151C RNA polymerase II second largest subunit B150 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPN4 YDL020C Transcription factor that stimulates expression of proteasome genes genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SDS3 YIL084C Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YPR015C YPR015C Putative zinc finger transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SAC3 YDR159W mRNA export factor genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
GCR2 YNL199C Transcriptional activator of genes involved in glycolysis genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HSC82 YMR186W Cytoplasmic chaperone of the Hsp90 family genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
HSP82 YPL240C Hsp90 chaperone genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
TTI1 YKL033W Subunit of the ASTRA complex, involved in chromatin remodeling genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SMD2 YLR275W Core Sm protein Sm D2 genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
COG3 YER157W Essential component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
NUP133 YKR082W Subunit of Nup84p subcomplex of nuclear pore complex (NPC) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RSC6 YCR052W Component of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
POL5 YEL055C Protein involved in 60S assembly and pre-40S AFs recycling genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DHR2 YKL078W Predominantly nucleolar DEAH-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TAP42 YMR028W Essential protein involved in the TOR signaling pathway genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
STU1 YBL034C Microtubule plus-end-tracking non-motor protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PRP6 YBR055C Splicing factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
POL3 YDL102W Catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase delta genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GNA1 YFL017C Glucosamine-6-phosphate acetyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC12 YHR107C Component of the septin ring that is required for cytokinesis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG9 YHR190W Farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyl transferase (squalene synthase) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MET30 YIL046W F-box protein containing five copies of the WD40 motif genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SHQ1 YIL104C Chaperone protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MOB1 YIL106W Component of the mitotic exit network genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
POL31 YJR006W Subunit of DNA polymerase delta (polymerase III) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PRP19 YLL036C Splicing factor associated with the spliceosome genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UTP13 YLR222C Nucleolar protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YPC1 YBR183W Alkaline ceramidase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RSM24 YDR175C Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GLN3 YER040W Transcriptional activator in nitrogen catabolite repression system genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NNF2 YGR089W Protein that exhibits physical and genetic interactions with Rpb8p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ROF1 YHR177W Putative transcription factor containing a WOPR domain genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MTC2 YKL098W Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ESC8 YOL017W Protein involved in telomeric and mating-type locus silencing genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BIR1 YJR089W Subunit of chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
APJ1 YNL077W Hsp40 chaperone with a role in SUMO-mediated protein degradation physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS