Standard name Systematic name Name description Description
AAT2 YLR027C Cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase involved in nitrogen metabolism Cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase involved in nitrogen metabolism; localizes to peroxisomes in oleate-grown cells
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Cell cycle phase and timing of transcription peak

Cell cycle phase Time (min)

CYCLoPs localization & abundance

no data no data no data

GFP localization & abundance

GFP localization GFP abundance
no data 7700

GO term count

Metabolism Cell cycle Cell division Signal transduction DNA replication
AAT2 3 0 0 0 0

Enzyme information

Catalyzed reactions in Yeast8
r_0216 (aspartate transaminase), r_0681 (L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase), r_0218 (aspartate transaminase), r_1065 (tyrosine transaminase), r_0683 (L-erythro-4-hydroxyglutamate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase)

List of interactors

Use the search utility to find the interactor you are looking for. By clicking the column headers the table will be sorted on that column. Use shift+click to sort on multiple columns. Default sorting is on number of experiments, number of unique methods and the number of publications, and alphabetical on standard name, in that order.
Standard name Systematic name Name description Type #Experiments #Methods #Publications Evidence
EAF3 YPR023C Component of the Rpd3S histone deacetylase complex genetic 3 2 2 Synthetic Growth Defect, Synthetic Growth Defect, Negative Genetic
PHO23 YNL097C Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 3 2 2 Synthetic Growth Defect, Synthetic Growth Defect, Negative Genetic
SPT8 YLR055C Subunit of the SAGA transcriptional regulatory complex genetic 3 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
AAT2 YLR027C Cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase involved in nitrogen metabolism physical 2 2 2 Reconstituted Complex, PCA
VMA21 YGR105W Integral membrane protein required for V-ATPase function genetic 2 2 2 Negative Genetic, Synthetic Growth Defect
DCC1 YCL016C Subunit of a complex with Ctf8p and Ctf18p genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Growth Defect, Negative Genetic
FKH1 YIL131C Forkhead family transcription factor regulation 2 1 2 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence, chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
SBA1 YKL117W Co-chaperone that binds and regulates Hsp90 family chaperones physical 2 2 1 Reconstituted Complex, Two-hybrid
ACS2 YLR153C Acetyl-coA synthetase isoform genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Lethality, Synthetic Lethality
EAF6 YJR082C Subunit of the NuA4 acetyltransferase complex genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect, Synthetic Growth Defect
ELP3 YPL086C Subunit of Elongator complex genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect, Synthetic Growth Defect
HDA3 YPR179C Subunit of HDA1 histone deacetylase complex genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Lethality, Synthetic Lethality
HOS3 YPL116W Trichostatin A-insensitive homodimeric histone deacetylase (HDAC) genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect, Synthetic Growth Defect
YAF9 YNL107W Subunit of NuA4 histone H4 acetyltransferase and SWR1 complexes genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Lethality, Synthetic Lethality
YNG2 YHR090C Subunit of NuA4, an essential histone acetyltransferase complex genetic 2 1 1 Synthetic Lethality, Synthetic Lethality
GCN5 YGR252W Catalytic subunit of ADA and SAGA histone acetyltransferase complexes regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
FKH2 YNL068C Forkhead family transcription factor regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
GCR1 YPL075W Transcriptional activator of genes involved in glycolysis regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
MED2 YDL005C Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
XBP1 YIL101C Transcriptional repressor regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
BUR6 YER159C Subunit of a heterodimeric NC2 transcription regulator complex regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
RAP1 YNL216W Essential DNA-binding transcription regulator that binds many loci regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
YAP6 YDR259C Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
CST6 YIL036W Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor from ATF/CREB family regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
CDC3 YLR314C Component of the septin ring that is required for cytokinesis physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
SUI1 YNL244C Translation initiation factor eIF1 physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
SEN15 YMR059W Subunit of the tRNA splicing endonuclease physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
FUN30 YAL019W Snf2p family member with ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling activity physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
EFT2 YDR385W Elongation factor 2 (EF-2), also encoded by EFT1 physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
TDH2 YJR009C Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), isozyme 2 physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
RSP5 YER125W NEDD4 family E3 ubiquitin ligase physical 1 1 1 Reconstituted Complex
RSP5 YER125W NEDD4 family E3 ubiquitin ligase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
URA7 YBL039C Major CTP synthase isozyme (see also URA8) physical 1 1 1 PCA
GDH2 YDL215C NAD(+)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase physical 1 1 1 PCA
INO1 YJL153C Inositol-3-phosphate synthase physical 1 1 1 PCA
CDC11 YJR076C Component of the septin ring that is required for cytokinesis physical 1 1 1 PCA
PEX11 YOL147C Peroxisomal protein required for medium-chain fatty acid oxidation physical 1 1 1 PCA
LSP1 YPL004C Eisosome core component physical 1 1 1 PCA
RPN1 YHR027C Non-ATPase base subunit of the 19S RP of the 26S proteasome physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
RPN10 YHR200W Proteasome polyubiquitin receptor physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
NAB2 YGL122C Nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding protein physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
RPN11 YFR004W Metalloprotease subunit of 19S regulatory particle physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
PHO85 YPL031C Cyclin-dependent kinase physical 1 1 1 Biochemical Activity
WWM1 YFL010C WW domain containing protein of unknown function physical 1 1 1 Protein-peptide
VID30 YGL227W Central component of GID Complex, involved in FBPase degradation physical 1 1 1 Protein-peptide
SSM4 YIL030C Membrane-embedded ubiquitin-protein ligase and retrotranslocase physical 1 1 1 Protein-peptide
ESS1 YJR017C Peptidylprolyl-cis/trans-isomerase (PPIase) physical 1 1 1 Protein-peptide
PRP40 YKL012W U1 snRNP protein involved in splicing physical 1 1 1 Protein-peptide
ULP2 YIL031W Peptidase that deconjugates Smt3/SUMO-1 peptides from proteins physical 1 1 1 PCA
SSB2 YNL209W Cytoplasmic ATPase that is a ribosome-associated molecular chaperone physical 1 1 1 Co-purification
MMS22 YLR320W Subunit of E3 ubiquitin ligase complex involved in replication repair physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
PMP1 YCR024C-A Regulatory subunit for the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase Pma1p physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
CCR4 YAL021C Component of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
DHH1 YDL160C Cytoplasmic DEAD-box helicase and mRNA decapping activator physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
MPT5 YGL178W mRNA-binding protein of the PUF family physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
RTG2 YGL252C Sensor of mitochondrial dysfunction genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Rescue
RAD27 YKL113C 5' to 3' exonuclease, 5' flap endonuclease genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
NPL6 YMR091C Component of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
LTE1 YAL024C Protein similar to GDP/GTP exchange factors genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
FUI1 YBL042C High affinity uridine permease, localizes to the plasma membrane genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SMY2 YBR172C GYF domain protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SWD3 YBR175W Essential subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CRD1 YDL142C Cardiolipin synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPP1B YDL130W Ribosomal protein P1 beta genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ARO1 YDR127W Pentafunctional arom protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MET10 YFR030W Subunit alpha of assimilatory sulfite reductase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
BOP2 YLR267W Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PML39 YML107C Protein required for nuclear retention of unspliced pre-mRNAs genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PPG1 YNR032W Serine protein phosphatase involved in formation of FAR complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CRC1 YOR100C Mitochondrial inner membrane carnitine transporter genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TOR1 YJR066W PIK-related protein kinase and rapamycin target genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
CTF18 YMR078C Subunit of a complex with Ctf8p genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
CTF4 YPR135W Chromatin-associated protein genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
CTF8 YHR191C Subunit of a complex with Ctf18p genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
GET2 YER083C Subunit of the GET complex genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
VOA1 YGR106C ER protein that functions in assembly of the V0 sector of V-ATPase genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
VID22 YLR373C G-quadruplex (G4) DNA binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IRE1 YHR079C Serine-threonine kinase and endoribonuclease genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TEC1 YBR083W Transcription factor targeting filamentation genes and Ty1 expression genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NTO1 YPR031W Subunit of the NuA3 histone acetyltransferase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ZDS2 YML109W Protein with a role in regulating Swe1p-dependent polarized growth genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HTZ1 YOL012C Histone variant H2AZ genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IES5 YER092W Non-essential INO80 chromatin remodeling complex subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
STD1 YOR047C Protein involved in control of glucose-regulated gene expression genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ADR1 YDR216W Carbon source-responsive zinc-finger transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YAP6 YDR259C Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VPS72 YDR485C Htz1p-binding component of the SWR1 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MIG1 YGL035C Transcription factor involved in glucose repression genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CIN1 YOR349W Tubulin folding factor D involved in beta-tubulin (Tub2p) folding genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BUB1 YGR188C Protein kinase involved in the cell cycle checkpoint into anaphase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPO21 YDL140C RNA polymerase II largest subunit B220 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SET2 YJL168C Histone methyltransferase with a role in transcriptional elongation genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IKI3 YLR384C Subunit of Elongator complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PPR1 YLR014C Zinc finger transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SWD1 YAR003W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LGE1 YPL055C Protein involved in histone H2B ubiquitination genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RRP6 YOR001W Nuclear exosome exonuclease component genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CAT8 YMR280C Zinc cluster transcriptional activator genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SOH1 YGL127C Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ENV11 YGR071C Protein proposed to be involved in vacuolar functions genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CTI6 YPL181W Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PHD1 YKL043W Transcriptional activator that enhances pseudohyphal growth genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SPT3 YDR392W Subunit of the SAGA and SAGA-like transcriptional regulatory complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEF1 YBL066C Putative transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
STB5 YHR178W Transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ARP8 YOR141C Nuclear actin-related protein involved in chromatin remodeling genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RXT2 YBR095C Component of the histone deacetylase Rpd3L complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UBP6 YFR010W Ubiquitin-specific protease genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AFT1 YGL071W Transcription factor involved in iron utilization and homeostasis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DOT6 YER088C Protein involved in rRNA and ribosome biogenesis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
STB6 YKL072W Protein that binds Sin3p in a two-hybrid assay genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HEL2 YDR266C RING finger ubiquitin ligase (E3) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SIN3 YOL004W Component of both the Rpd3S and Rpd3L histone deacetylase complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CSE2 YNR010W Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AZF1 YOR113W Zinc-finger transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RIM101 YHL027W Cys2His2 zinc-finger transcriptional repressor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MET28 YIR017C bZIP transcriptional activator in the Cbf1p-Met4p-Met28p complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
STP2 YHR006W Transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HAP4 YKL109W Transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BDF1 YLR399C BET family transcriptional regulator genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERT1 YBR239C Transcriptional regulator genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TOS8 YGL096W Homeodomain-containing protein and putative transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SPT23 YKL020C ER membrane protein involved in regulation of OLE1 transcription genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPA34 YJL148W RNA polymerase I subunit A34.5 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SNT1 YCR033W Set3C histone deacetylase scaffold genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SKN7 YHR206W Nuclear response regulator and transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SAP30 YMR263W Component of Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CHD1 YER164W Chromatin remodeler that regulates various aspects of transcription genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GIM5 YML094W Subunit of the heterohexameric cochaperone prefoldin complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UME1 YPL139C Component of both the Rpd3S and Rpd3L histone deacetylase complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ISW2 YOR304W ATP-dependent DNA translocase involved in chromatin remodeling genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YGR067C YGR067C Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CUP9 YPL177C Homeodomain-containing transcriptional repressor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SWR1 YDR334W Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TEA1 YOR337W Ty1 enhancer activator involved in Ty enhancer-mediated transcription genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HAP5 YOR358W Subunit of the Hap2p/3p/4p/5p CCAAT-binding complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IES3 YLR052W Subunit of the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ELP2 YGR200C Subunit of Elongator complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPH1 YER169W JmjC domain-containing histone demethylase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IES4 YOR189W Component of the INO80 chromatiin remodeling complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEM1 YDR363W-A 19S proteasome regulatory particle lid subcomplex component genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SUB1 YMR039C Transcriptional regulator genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PAC10 YGR078C Part of the heteromeric co-chaperone GimC/prefoldin complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CTK1 YKL139W Catalytic (alpha) subunit of C-terminal domain kinase I (CTDK-I) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PFK1 YGR240C Alpha subunit of heterooctameric phosphofructokinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG8 YMR220W Phosphomevalonate kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DIP5 YPL265W Dicarboxylic amino acid permease genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SFC1 YJR095W Mitochondrial succinate-fumarate transporter genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YDR341C YDR341C Arginyl-tRNA synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
DCI1 YOR180C Peroxisomal protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MET12 YPL023C Protein with MTHFR activity in vitro genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG11 YHR007C Lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NMT1 YLR195C N-myristoyl transferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TPS1 YBR126C Synthase subunit of trehalose-6-P synthase/phosphatase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
FAD1 YDL045C Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEC53 YFL045C Phosphomannomutase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TMT1 YER175C Trans-aconitate methyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HEM2 YGL040C Aminolevulinate dehydratase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CHO2 YGR157W Phosphatidylethanolamine methyltransferase (PEMT) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CAB1 YDR531W Pantothenate kinase, ATP:D-pantothenate 4'-phosphotransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GLN1 YPR035W Glutamine synthetase (GS) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TKL2 YBR117C Transketolase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TAZ1 YPR140W Lyso-phosphatidylcholine acyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
UGP1 YKL035W UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CAT5 YOR125C Protein required for ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) biosynthesis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG13 YML126C 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TSC10 YBR265W 3-ketosphinganine reductase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ELO3 YLR372W Elongase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
ICL1 YER065C Isocitrate lyase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PYK2 YOR347C Pyruvate kinase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HOM6 YJR139C Homoserine dehydrogenase (L-homoserine:NADP oxidoreductase) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
DED81 YHR019C Cytosolic asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TRX3 YCR083W Mitochondrial thioredoxin genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
THS1 YIL078W Threonyl-tRNA synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
URA4 YLR420W Dihydroorotase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
DYS1 YHR068W Deoxyhypusine synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MDH1 YKL085W Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
YMR226C YMR226C NADP(+)-dependent serine dehydrogenase and carbonyl reductase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
NDE2 YDL085W Mitochondrial external NADH dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TRR1 YDR353W Cytoplasmic thioredoxin reductase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IDH2 YOR136W Subunit of mitochondrial NAD(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
QNS1 YHR074W Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SDH1 YKL148C Flavoprotein subunit of succinate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HXT11 YOL156W Hexose transporter genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TRP4 YDR354W Anthranilate phosphoribosyl transferase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
ACH1 YBL015W Protein with CoA transferase activity genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SOL3 YHR163W 6-phosphogluconolactonase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GPD2 YOL059W NAD-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
ATF2 YGR177C Alcohol acetyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
INM1 YHR046C Inositol monophosphatase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CDC28 YBR160W Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) catalytic subunit genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
TAF1 YGR274C TFIID subunit, involved in RNA pol II transcription initiation genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
STH1 YIL126W ATPase component of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
SSP120 YLR250W Protein packaged into COPII vesicles for ER to Golgi trafficking genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
ALG14 YBR070C Component of UDP-GlcNAc transferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC37 YDR168W Essential Hsp90p co-chaperone genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SUP35 YDR172W Translation termination factor eRF3 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RNA15 YGL044C Component of the cleavage and polyadenylation factor I (CF I) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC8 YJR057W Nucleoside monophosphate and nucleoside diphosphate kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
URA6 YKL024C Uridylate kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MIF2 YKL089W Centromeric CDEIII region binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ABF1 YKL112W DNA binding protein with possible chromatin-reorganizing activity genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEC13 YLR208W Structural component of 3 complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GCD7 YLR291C Beta subunit of translation initiation factor eIF2B genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LST8 YNL006W Protein required for the transport of Gap1p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DFR1 YOR236W Dihydrofolate reductase involved in tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEC8 YPR055W Essential 121 kDa subunit of the exocyst complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
FAT1 YBR041W Very long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase and fatty acid transporter genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPP1A YDL081C Ribosomal stalk protein P1 alpha genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BFA1 YJR053W Subunit of a two-component GTPase-activating protein, Bfa1p-Bub2p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SRO7 YPR032W Effector of Rab GTPase Sec4p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RAD5 YLR032W DNA helicase/Ubiquitin ligase genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Lethality
ARO8 YGL202W Aromatic aminotransferase I genetic 1 1 1 Phenotypic Suppression
ARO9 YHR137W Aromatic aminotransferase II genetic 1 1 1 Phenotypic Suppression
AUR1 YKL004W Phosphatidylinositol:ceramide phosphoinositol transferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic