Standard name Systematic name Name description Description
BET3 YKR068C Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III; TRAPP complexes are related multimeric guanine nucleotide-exchange factors for the GTPase Ypt1, regulating ER-Golgi traffic (TRAPPI), intra-Golgi traffic (TRAPPII), endosome-Golgi traffic (TRAPPII and III) and autophagy (TRAPPIII); hydrophilic homodimeric protein that acts in conjunction with SNARE proteins in targeting and fusion of ER to Golgi transport vesicles
Visualize the interactome of BET3
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Cell cycle phase and timing of transcription peak

Cell cycle phase Time (min)

CYCLoPs localization & abundance

Cort. Patches 0.059 0.215 0.195
Endosome 0.412 0.181 0.390
Golgi 0.363 0.517 0.293
Mito 0.294 0.262 0.122
SpindlePole 0.069 NaN 0.073
Vac/Vac Memb 0.088 0.067 0.122
Cytoplasm NaN 0.087 NaN
ER NaN 0.060 0.073
Nucleolus NaN NaN 0.073

GFP localization & abundance

GFP localization GFP abundance
late Golgi 2370

GO term count

Metabolism Cell cycle Cell division Signal transduction DNA replication
BET3 2 0 0 0 0

List of interactors

Use the search utility to find the interactor you are looking for. By clicking the column headers the table will be sorted on that column. Use shift+click to sort on multiple columns. Default sorting is on number of experiments, number of unique methods and the number of publications, and alphabetical on standard name, in that order.
Standard name Systematic name Name description Type #Experiments #Methods #Publications Evidence
TRS20 YBR254C Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III physical 22 6 12 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, Two-hybrid, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, Two-hybrid, Co-purification, Two-hybrid, Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex, Two-hybrid, PCA, Co-purification
TRS33 YOR115C Core component of TRAPP complexes I, II and IV physical 19 7 12 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Co-purification, Co-crystal Structure, Two-hybrid, Two-hybrid, Co-fractionation, Co-purification, Two-hybrid, Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex, Affinity Capture-Western, Co-purification
BET5 YML077W Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III physical 19 5 12 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Two-hybrid, Co-purification, Reconstituted Complex, Reconstituted Complex, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Co-purification
TRS31 YDR472W Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III physical 16 5 11 Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Two-hybrid, Co-purification, Two-hybrid, Two-hybrid, Affinity Capture-Western, Reconstituted Complex, Co-purification
TRS120 YDR407C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II physical 14 5 10 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Co-fractionation, Reconstituted Complex, Affinity Capture-MS, Co-purification, Co-purification
TRS85 YDR108W Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex III physical 14 3 10 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Co-purification, Co-purification
TRS23 YDR246W Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III physical 13 4 9 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Co-purification, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Co-fractionation, Co-purification
TRS130 YMR218C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II physical 9 4 6 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Reconstituted Complex, Co-purification
TRS65 YGR166W Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II physical 8 3 5 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS, Co-purification
YPT1 YFL038C Rab family GTPase genetic 6 6 5 Dosage Lethality, Synthetic Lethality, Dosage Rescue, Phenotypic Suppression, Negative Genetic, Synthetic Rescue
TRS85 YDR108W Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex III genetic 5 3 4 Dosage Rescue, Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
TRS33 YOR115C Core component of TRAPP complexes I, II and IV genetic 4 3 3 Synthetic Lethality, Dosage Rescue, Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic
BET5 YML077W Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III genetic 4 2 3 Dosage Rescue, Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEC22 YLR268W R-SNARE protein genetic 4 3 2 Synthetic Lethality, Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
BET1 YIL004C Type II membrane protein required for vesicular transport genetic 4 3 2 Synthetic Lethality, Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
TCA17 YEL048C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II physical 3 2 3 Affinity Capture-Western, Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS
TRS20 YBR254C Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III genetic 3 2 2 Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
TRS23 YDR246W Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III genetic 3 2 2 Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SLY1 YDR189W Hydrophilic protein involved in ER/Golgi vesicle trafficking genetic 3 2 2 Dosage Rescue, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
LSM1 YJL124C Lsm (Like Sm) protein genetic 3 2 2 Positive Genetic, Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
SRN2 YLR119W Component of the ESCRT-I complex genetic 3 2 2 Positive Genetic, Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
VPS13 YLL040C Lipid transport protein involved in prospore membrane morphogenesis genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
RIC1 YLR039C Protein involved in retrograde transport to the cis-Golgi network genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
PKR1 YMR123W V-ATPase assembly factor genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GAS1 YMR307W Beta-1,3-glucanosyltransferase required for cell wall assembly genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
COP1 YDL145C Alpha subunit of COPI vesicle coatomer complex genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI19 YDR437W Subunit of GPI-GlcNAc transferase involved in synthesis of GlcNAc-PI genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
RET2 YFR051C Delta subunit of the coatomer complex (COPI) genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEC27 YGL137W Essential beta'-coat protein of the COPI coatomer genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI16 YHR188C Subunit of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol transamidase complex genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GAB1 YLR459W Subunit of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol transamidase complex genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
VPS35 YJL154C Endosomal subunit of membrane-associated retromer complex genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GET4 YOR164C Protein involved in inserting tail-anchored proteins into ER membranes genetic 3 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ACT1 YFL039C Actin, structural protein in cytoskeleton genetic 3 2 1 Positive Genetic, Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
TRS130 YMR218C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
PIK1 YNL267W Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
SEC17 YBL050W Alpha-SNAP cochaperone genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
SEC18 YBR080C AAA ATPase and SNARE disassembly chaperone genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
SEC2 YNL272C Guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor for the small G-protein Sec4p genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
COG3 YER157W Essential component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Negative Genetic
SGS1 YMR190C RecQ family nucleolar DNA helicase genetic 2 2 2 Synthetic Lethality, Positive Genetic
SGT1 YOR057W Cochaperone protein genetic 2 2 2 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
BFA1 YJR053W Subunit of a two-component GTPase-activating protein, Bfa1p-Bub2p genetic 2 2 2 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
IST2 YBR086C Cortical ER protein involved in ER-plasma membrane (PM) tethering genetic 2 2 2 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
VNX1 YNL321W Calcium/H+ antiporter localized to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane genetic 2 2 2 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
FKS1 YLR342W Catalytic subunit of 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase physical 2 1 2 Affinity Capture-MS, Affinity Capture-MS
TRS65 YGR166W Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ILM1 YJR118C Protein of unknown function genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
YPT6 YLR262C Rab family GTPase genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ORM2 YLR350W Protein that mediates sphingolipid homeostasis genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SCS7 YMR272C Sphingolipid alpha-hydroxylase genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
BRE5 YNR051C Ubiquitin protease cofactor genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
TLG2 YOL018C Syntaxin-like t-SNARE genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GYP1 YOR070C Cis-golgi GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for yeast Rabs genetic 2 1 2 Positive Genetic, Positive Genetic
RUD3 YOR216C Golgi matrix protein genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SUR1 YPL057C Mannosylinositol phosphorylceramide (MIPC) synthase catalytic subunit genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
VMA11 YPL234C Vacuolar ATPase V0 domain subunit c' genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
MSH2 YOL090W Protein that binds to DNA mismatches genetic 2 1 2 Positive Genetic, Positive Genetic
SEC7 YDR170C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for ADP ribosylation factors genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SWD1 YAR003W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
BUG1 YDL099W Cis-golgi localized protein involved in ER to Golgi transport genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SDC1 YDR469W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
BST1 YFL025C GPI inositol deacylase of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SET1 YHR119W Histone methyltransferase, subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
MOG1 YJR074W Conserved nuclear protein that interacts with GTP-Gsp1p genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
MDY2 YOL111C Protein involved in inserting tail-anchored proteins into ER membranes genetic 2 1 2 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
HSP82 YPL240C Hsp90 chaperone physical 2 2 1 Two-hybrid, Affinity Capture-MS
VAM7 YGL212W Vacuolar SNARE protein genetic 2 2 1 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
LSM12 YHR121W Protein of unknown function that may function in RNA processing genetic 2 2 1 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
MVB12 YGR206W ESCRT-I subunit required to stabilize ESCRT-I core complex oligomers genetic 2 2 1 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
GIM3 YNL153C Subunit of the heterohexameric cochaperone prefoldin complex genetic 2 2 1 Negative Genetic, Positive Genetic
DNA2 YHR164C ATP-dependent 5'-flap endonuclease and DNA helicase genetic 2 1 1 Positive Genetic, Positive Genetic
ESS1 YJR017C Peptidylprolyl-cis/trans-isomerase (PPIase) genetic 2 1 1 Positive Genetic, Positive Genetic
CDC11 YJR076C Component of the septin ring that is required for cytokinesis genetic 2 1 1 Positive Genetic, Positive Genetic
BRN1 YBL097W Subunit of the condensin complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI18 YBR004C Functional ortholog of human PIG-V genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
CDS1 YBR029C Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase (CDP-diglyceride synthetase) genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
KIN28 YDL108W Ser/Thr protein kinase and subunit of TFIIK, a TFIIH subassembly genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
CCT6 YDR188W Subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin Cct ring complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEC26 YDR238C Essential beta-coat protein of the COPI coatomer genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI11 YDR302W ER membrane protein involved in a late step of GPI anchor assembly genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI8 YDR331W Catalytic subunit of the ER membrane GPI transamidase complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
FRQ1 YDR373W N-myristoylated calcium-binding protein genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI17 YDR434W Transmembrane protein genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
MOB2 YFL034C-B Activator of Cbk1p kinase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI10 YGL142C Integral membrane protein involved in GPI anchor synthesis genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
COG2 YGR120C Essential component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
YIP1 YGR172C Integral membrane protein genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ERG9 YHR190W Farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyl transferase (squalene synthase) genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI13 YLL031C ER membrane localized phosphoryltransferase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEN1 YLR430W ATP-dependent 5' to 3' RNA/DNA and DNA helicase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
POB3 YML069W Subunit of the heterodimeric FACT complex (Spt16p-Pob3p) genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ERG13 YML126C 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) synthase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
VTI1 YMR197C Protein involved in cis-Golgi membrane traffic genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEC12 YNR026C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEC63 YOR254C Essential subunit of Sec63 complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
RET3 YPL010W Zeta subunit of the coatomer complex (COPI) genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GPI2 YPL076W Protein involved in the synthesis of GlcNAc-PI genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
CET1 YPL228W RNA 5'-triphosphatase involved in mRNA 5' capping genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SEC23 YPR181C GTPase-activating protein, stimulates the GTPase activity of Sar1p genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
RXT2 YBR095C Component of the histone deacetylase Rpd3L complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
BRE1 YDL074C E3 ubiquitin ligase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
GET3 YDL100C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Gpa1p genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ERV14 YGL054C COPII-coated vesicle protein genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
VPS29 YHR012W Subunit of the membrane-associated retromer complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SDS3 YIL084C Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SYS1 YJL004C Integral membrane protein of the Golgi genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
PEP8 YJL053W Vacuolar protein component of the retromer genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SUB1 YMR039C Transcriptional regulator genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
COG6 YNL041C Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SFB2 YNL049C Component of the Sec23p-Sfb2p heterodimer of the COPII vesicle coat genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SIN3 YOL004W Component of both the Rpd3S and Rpd3L histone deacetylase complexes genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
VAM10 YOR068C Protein involved in vacuole morphogenesis genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
MAK3 YPR051W Catalytic subunit of the NatC type N-terminal acetyltransferase (NAT) genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ARL3 YPL051W ARF-like small GTPase of the RAS superfamily genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
ARO7 YPR060C Chorismate mutase genetic 2 1 1 Negative Genetic, Negative Genetic
SFP1 YLR403W Regulates transcription of ribosomal protein and biogenesis genes regulation 1 1 1 DNA to cDNA expression microarray evidence
RFX1 YLR176C Major transcriptional repressor of DNA-damage-regulated genes regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
XBP1 YIL101C Transcriptional repressor regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
YAP6 YDR259C Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
REB1 YBR049C RNA polymerase I enhancer binding protein regulation 1 1 1 chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip evidence
ARL1 YBR164C Soluble GTPase with a role in regulation of membrane traffic genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AIR2 YDL175C RNA-binding subunit of the TRAMP nuclear RNA surveillance complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ARP9 YMR033W Component of both the SWI/SNF and RSC chromatin remodeling complexes genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
AAR2 YBL074C Component of the U5 snRNP complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
APL6 YGR261C Beta3-like subunit of the yeast AP-3 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BDF1 YLR399C BET family transcriptional regulator genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TRS31 YDR472W Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Rescue
YPT1 YFL038C Rab family GTPase physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-Western
YPT31 YER031C Rab family GTPase physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-Western
YPT31 YER031C Rab family GTPase genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Lethality
GYP6 YJL044C GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for yeast Rab family member Ypt6p physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
HSC82 YMR186W Cytoplasmic chaperone of the Hsp90 family physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
TPK1 YJL164C cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit physical 1 1 1 Biochemical Activity
CSM1 YCR086W Nucleolar protein that mediates homolog segregation during meiosis I physical 1 1 1 Two-hybrid
NMA1 YLR328W Nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase physical 1 1 1 Two-hybrid
TCA17 YEL048C Component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex II genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
NAB2 YGL122C Nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding protein physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
NAB2 YGL122C Nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GIS2 YNL255C Translational activator for mRNAs with internal ribosome entry sites physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
BET3 YKR068C Core component of transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes I-III physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-Western
NRD1 YNL251C RNA-binding subunit of Nrd1 complex physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
SSB2 YNL209W Cytoplasmic ATPase that is a ribosome-associated molecular chaperone physical 1 1 1 Co-purification
VAM6 YDL077C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the GTPase Gtr1p physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-MS
DHH1 YDL160C Cytoplasmic DEAD-box helicase and mRNA decapping activator physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
CCR4 YAL021C Component of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex physical 1 1 1 Affinity Capture-RNA
SEC4 YFL005W Rab family GTPase genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
SEC21 YNL287W Gamma subunit of coatomer genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
SED5 YLR026C cis-Golgi t-SNARE syntaxin genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Rescue
BOS1 YLR078C v-SNARE (vesicle specific SNAP receptor) genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Rescue
YPT32 YGL210W Rab family GTPase involved in the exocytic pathway genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Lethality
NIP7 YPL211W Nucleolar protein required for 60S ribosome subunit biogenesis genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
SET2 YJL168C Histone methyltransferase with a role in transcriptional elongation genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
EXO84 YBR102C Exocyst subunit with dual roles in exocytosis and spliceosome assembly genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
NOP1 YDL014W Histone glutamine methyltransferase, modifies H2A at Q105 in nucleolus genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
SEC1 YDR164C Sm-like protein involved in docking and fusion of exocytic vesicles genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
SEC15 YGL233W Essential 113 kDa subunit of the exocyst complex genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
VPH2 YKL119C Integral membrane protein required for V-ATPase function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SAC1 YKL212W Phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MMM1 YLL006W ER integral membrane protein, ERMES complex subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LCB5 YLR260W Minor sphingoid long-chain base kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG6 YML008C Delta(24)-sterol C-methyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VPS71 YML041C Nucleosome-binding component of the SWR1 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PSD1 YNL169C Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase of the mitochondrial inner membrane genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HTZ1 YOL012C Histone variant H2AZ genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IRA2 YOL081W GTPase-activating protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VPS30 YPL120W Subunit of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase complexes I and II genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DUN1 YDL101C Cell-cycle checkpoint S/T protein kinase genetic 1 1 1 Dosage Lethality
TAF1 YGR274C TFIID subunit, involved in RNA pol II transcription initiation genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
CDC73 YLR418C Component of the Paf1p complex genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
MAD1 YGL086W Coiled-coil protein involved in spindle-assembly checkpoint genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Lethality
POL2 YNL262W Catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase (II) epsilon genetic 1 1 1 Synthetic Growth Defect
CMD1 YBR109C Calmodulin genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RSC6 YCR052W Component of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CTR86 YCR054C Essential protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RPT2 YDL007W ATPase of the 19S regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SEC31 YDL195W Component of the Sec13p-Sec31p complex of the COPII vesicle coat genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TAF12 YDR145W Subunit (61/68 kDa) of TFIID and SAGA complexes genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SEC20 YDR498C Membrane glycoprotein v-SNARE genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MMS21 YEL019C Highly conserved SUMO E3 ligase subunit of SMC5-SMC6 complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PRE1 YER012W Beta 4 subunit of the 20S proteasome genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PRP22 YER013W DEAH-box RNA-dependent ATPase/ATP-dependent RNA helicase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
BRR2 YER172C RNA-dependent ATPase RNA helicase (DEIH box) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
BRR6 YGL247W Essential nuclear envelope integral membrane protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
DAM1 YGR113W Essential subunit of the Dam1 complex (aka DASH complex) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PHS1 YJL097W Essential 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase of the ER membrane genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SNU114 YKL173W GTPase component of U5 snRNP involved in mRNA splicing via spliceosome genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CDC12 YHR107C Component of the septin ring that is required for cytokinesis genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
NAB3 YPL190C RNA-binding protein, subunit of Nrd1 complex (Nrd1p-Nab3p-Sen1p) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
STU2 YLR045C Microtubule polymerase of the XMAP215/Dis1 family genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
LSM3 YLR438C-A Lsm (Like Sm) protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TAF13 YML098W TFIID subunit (19 kDa) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CTF13 YMR094W Subunit of the CBF3 complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RPT4 YOR259C ATPase of the 19S regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RPN8 YOR261C Essential non-ATPase regulatory subunit of the 26S proteasome genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TIF6 YPR016C Constituent of 66S pre-ribosomal particles genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SHP1 YBL058W UBX domain-containing substrate adaptor for Cdc48p genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
TSC3 YBR058C-A Protein that stimulates the activity of serine palmitoyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
IML3 YBR107C Outer kinetochore protein and component of the Ctf19 complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
STP22 YCL008C Component of the ESCRT-I complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PAT1 YCR077C Deadenylation-dependent mRNA-decapping factor genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
IPK1 YDR315C Inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SDH6 YDR379C-A Mitochondrial protein involved in assembly of succinate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
GIM4 YEL003W Subunit of the heterohexameric cochaperone prefoldin complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
VAC8 YEL013W Vacuole-specific Myo2p receptor genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PDA1 YER178W E1 alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
NUT1 YGL151W Component of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MUP1 YGR055W High affinity methionine permease genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
GPC1 YGR149W Glycerophosphocholine acyltransferase (GPCAT) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RRM3 YHR031C DNA helicase involved in rDNA replication and Ty1 transposition genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PTH1 YHR189W One of two mitochondrially-localized peptidyl-tRNA hydrolases genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RPL40A YIL148W Ubiquitin-ribosomal 60S subunit protein L40A fusion protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SRS2 YJL092W DNA helicase and DNA-dependent ATPase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RPL17B YJL177W Ribosomal 60S subunit protein L17B genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
STE6 YKL209C Plasma membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
DOA1 YKL213C WD-repeat protein involved in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CHS5 YLR330W Component of the exomer complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
RIF2 YLR453C Protein that binds to the Rap1p C-terminus genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
VAC7 YNL054W Integral vacuolar membrane protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MRPL17 YNL252C Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the large subunit genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CLA4 YNL298W Cdc42p-activated signal transducing kinase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
VPS27 YNR006W Endosomal protein that forms a complex with Hse1p genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
VPS21 YOR089C Endosomal Rab family GTPase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MDM32 YOR147W Mitochondrial inner membrane protein with similarity to Mdm31p genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
BRO1 YPL084W Cytoplasmic class E vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) factor genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
KAR9 YPL269W Spindle positioning factor genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MMS1 YPR164W Subunit of E3 ubiquitin ligase complex involved in replication repair genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PTA1 YAL043C Subunit of holo-CPF genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RFT1 YBL020W Membrane protein required for translocation of Man5GlcNac2-PP-Dol genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PKC1 YBL105C Protein serine/threonine kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TFC1 YBR123C Subunit of RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MED8 YBR193C Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PBN1 YCL052C Component of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
QRI1 YDL103C UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NSE4 YDL105W Component of the SMC5-SMC6 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC48 YDL126C AAA ATPase with protein-unfoldase activity genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPO21 YDL140C RNA polymerase II largest subunit B220 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NUS1 YDL193W Forms dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase complex with RER2 or SRT1 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPC11 YDR045C RNA polymerase III subunit C11 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DBF4 YDR052C Regulatory subunit of Cdc7p-Dbf4p kinase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DOP1 YDR141C Protein involved in vesicular transport at trans-Golgi network (TGN) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CAB5 YDR196C Subunit of the CoA-Synthesizing Protein Complex (CoA-SPC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PCF11 YDR228C mRNA 3' end processing factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SNU56 YDR240C Component of U1 snRNP required for mRNA splicing via spliceosome genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YCG1 YDR325W Subunit of the condensin complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TLG1 YDR468C Essential t-SNARE that mediates fusion of vesicles with the late Golgi genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
WBP1 YEL002C Beta subunit of the oligosaccharyl transferase glycoprotein complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SNU13 YEL026W RNA binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HYP2 YEL034W Translation elongation factor eIF-5A genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UTR5 YEL035C Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NTF2 YER009W Nuclear envelope protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SRB4 YER022W Subunit of the RNA polymerase II mediator complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PAB1 YER165W Poly(A) binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
FRS2 YFL022C Alpha subunit of cytoplasmic phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NUP145 YGL092W Essential protein with distinct roles in two nuclear pore subcomplexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SRM1 YGL097W Nucleotide exchange factor for Gsp1p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC20 YGL116W Activator of anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PRP43 YGL120C RNA helicase in the DEAH-box family genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SNU71 YGR013W Component of U1 snRNP required for mRNA splicing via spliceosome genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG25 YGR060W C-4 methyl sterol oxidase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NOP7 YGR103W Component of several different pre-ribosomal particles genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NUP57 YGR119C FG-nucleoporin component of central core of the nuclear pore complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PTI1 YGR156W Essential component of CPF (cleavage and polyadenylation factor) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BRL1 YHR036W Essential nuclear envelope/ER integral membrane protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG7 YHR072W Lanosterol synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CFD1 YIL003W Highly conserved iron-sulfur cluster binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPB3 YIL021W RNA polymerase II third largest subunit B44 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MET30 YIL046W F-box protein containing five copies of the WD40 motif genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TAO3 YIL129C Component of the RAM signaling network genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CCT2 YIL142W Subunit beta of the cytosolic chaperonin Cct ring complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SSL2 YIL143C Component of RNA polymerase transcription factor TFIIH holoenzyme genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SLN1 YIL147C Transmembrane histidine phosphotransfer kinase and osmosensor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MCM10 YIL150C Essential chromatin-associated protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CCT8 YJL008C Subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin Cct ring complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BET4 YJL031C Alpha subunit of Type II geranylgeranyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GWT1 YJL091C Protein involved in the inositol acylation of GlcN-PI genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CCT7 YJL111W Subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin Cct ring complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GPI14 YJR013W Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-alpha 1,4 mannosyltransferase I genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LSM8 YJR022W Lsm (Like Sm) protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SDS22 YKL193C Regulatory subunit of the type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1) Glc7p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YKT6 YKL196C Vesicle membrane protein (v-SNARE) with acyltransferase activity genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LUC7 YDL087C Essential protein associated with the U1 snRNP complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
POL3 YDL102W Catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase delta genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPN5 YDL147W Subunit of the CSN and 26S proteasome lid complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TFB1 YDR311W Subunit of TFIIH and nucleotide excision repair factor 3 complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CAB1 YDR531W Pantothenate kinase, ATP:D-pantothenate 4'-phosphotransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PUP3 YER094C Beta 3 subunit of the 20S proteasome genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SAD1 YFR005C Conserved zinc-finger domain protein involved in pre-mRNA splicing genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPN12 YFR052W Subunit of the 19S regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome lid genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SSC1 YJR045C Hsp70 family ATPase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RSE1 YML049C Protein involved in pre-mRNA splicing genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GPI12 YMR281W ER membrane protein involved in the second step of GPI anchor assembly genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LST8 YNL006W Protein required for the transport of Gap1p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MVD1 YNR043W Mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RAT1 YOR048C Nuclear 5' to 3' single-stranded RNA exonuclease genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPB2 YOR151C RNA polymerase II second largest subunit B150 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SUA7 YPR086W Transcription factor TFIIB genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SGV1 YPR161C Cyclin (Bur2p)-dependent protein kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ORC3 YLL004W Subunit of the origin recognition complex (ORC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GAA1 YLR088W Subunit of the GPI:protein transamidase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GPN3 YLR243W Putative GTPase with a role in biogenesis of RNA pol II and polIII genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MCM5 YLR274W Component of the Mcm2-7 hexameric helicase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SMD2 YLR275W Core Sm protein Sm D2 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC3 YLR314C Component of the septin ring that is required for cytokinesis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPP0 YLR340W Conserved ribosomal protein P0 of the ribosomal stalk genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PRP39 YML046W U1 snRNP protein involved in splicing genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RNA14 YMR061W Component of the cleavage and polyadenylation factor I (CF I) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RRB1 YMR131C Specific assembly chaperone for ribosomal protein Rpl3p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RNA1 YMR235C GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Gsp1p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RNT1 YMR239C Nuclear dsRNA-specific ribonuclease (RNase III) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GPI15 YNL038W Protein involved in the synthesis of GlcNAc-PI genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DCP2 YNL118C Catalytic subunit of Dcp1p-Dcp2p decapping enzyme complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PBR1 YNL181W Putative oxidoreductase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RAP1 YNL216W Essential DNA-binding transcription regulator that binds many loci genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CSL4 YNL232W Exosome non-catalytic core component genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPB11 YOL005C RNA polymerase II subunit B12.5 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HSP10 YOR020C Mitochondrial matrix co-chaperonin genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DBP5 YOR046C Cytoplasmic ATP-dependent RNA helicase of the DEAD-box family genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RKI1 YOR095C Ribose-5-phosphate ketol-isomerase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
OST2 YOR103C Epsilon subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPO31 YOR116C RNA polymerase III largest subunit C160 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
THI80 YOR143C Thiamine pyrophosphokinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SMP3 YOR149C Alpha 1,2-mannosyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RFC1 YOR217W Subunit of heteropentameric Replication factor C (RF-C) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ESA1 YOR244W Catalytic subunit of the histone acetyltransferase complex (NuA4) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GPN2 YOR262W Putative GTPase with a specific role in RNA pol II and polIII biogenes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MRS6 YOR370C Rab escort protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TFC8 YPL007C Subunit of RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEC16 YPL085W COPII vesicle coat protein required for ER transport vesicle budding genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CDC60 YPL160W Cytosolic leucyl tRNA synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MCM4 YPR019W Essential helicase component of heterohexameric MCM2-7 complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RDS3 YPR094W Component of the SF3b subcomplex of the U2 snRNP genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DPM1 YPR183W Dolichol phosphate mannose (Dol-P-Man) synthase of ER membrane genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DRS2 YAL026C Trans-golgi network aminophospholipid translocase (flippase) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PER1 YCR044C Protein of the endoplasmic reticulum genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YDR042C YDR042C Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UME6 YDR207C Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GET2 YER083C Subunit of the GET complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RAD4 YER162C Damaged-DNA binding subunit of Nuclear Excision Repair Factor 2 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
COG7 YGL005C Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GET1 YGL020C Subunit of the GET complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GUP1 YGL084C Plasma membrane protein involved in remodeling GPI anchors genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HOS2 YGL194C Histone deacetylase and subunit of Set3 and Rpd3L complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GOS1 YHL031C v-SNARE protein involved in Golgi transport genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CPR7 YJR032W Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (cyclophilin) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CBF1 YJR060W Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DBR1 YKL149C RNA lariat debranching enzyme genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PEX13 YLR191W Peroxisomal importomer complex component genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IMH1 YLR309C Protein involved in vesicular transport genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
COG8 YML071C Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG2 YMR202W C-8 sterol isomerase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
COG5 YNL051W Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PHO23 YNL097C Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MET22 YOL064C Bisphosphate-3'-nucleotidase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CUE5 YOR042W Ubiquitin-binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DGK1 YOR311C Diacylglycerol kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BTS1 YPL069C Geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (GGPPS) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SPE3 YPR069C Spermidine synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DEP1 YAL013W Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YAL063C-A YAL063C-A Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HIR1 YBL008W Subunit of the HIR complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YBL071C-B YBL071C-B Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HHT1 YBR010W Histone H3 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
KAP104 YBR017C Transportin or cytosolic karyopherin beta 2 genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YBR071W YBR071W Protein of unknown function found in the cytoplasm and bud neck genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SIF2 YBR103W WD40 repeat-containing subunit of Set3C histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TBS1 YBR150C Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SLI15 YBR156C Subunit of the conserved chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
TYR1 YBR166C Prephenate dehydrogenase involved in tyrosine biosynthesis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEC66 YBR171W Non-essential subunit of Sec63 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SWD3 YBR175W Essential subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MIC12 YBR262C Component of the MICOS complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VMA9 YCL005W-A Vacuolar H+ ATPase subunit e of the V-ATPase V0 subcomplex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
KAR4 YCL055W Transcription factor required for response to pheromones genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YCR023C YCR023C Vacuolar membrane protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SLM5 YCR024C Mitochondrial asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SED4 YCR067C Integral ER membrane protein that stimulates Sar1p GTPase activity genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YCR101C YCR101C Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PTC1 YDL006W Type 2C protein phosphatase (PP2C) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RXT3 YDL076C Component of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NUP84 YDL116W Subunit of the Nup84p subcomplex of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YDL159W-A YDL159W-A Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HXT15 YDL245C Putative transmembrane polyol transporter genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VTC5 YDR089W Novel subunit of the vacuolar transporter chaperone complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RGP1 YDR137W Subunit of a Golgi membrane exchange factor (Ric1p-Rgp1p) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SSD1 YDR293C Translational repressor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HDA2 YDR295C Subunit of HDA1 histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HPT1 YDR399W Dimeric hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERD1 YDR414C Predicted membrane protein required for lumenal ER protein retention genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VPS52 YDR484W Component of the GARP (Golgi-associated retrograde protein) complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RSM28 YDR494W Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VMA3 YEL027W Proteolipid subunit c of the V0 domain of vacuolar H(+)-ATPase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SPF1 YEL031W P-type ATPase, ion transporter of the ER membrane genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VMA8 YEL051W Subunit D of the V1 peripheral membrane domain of V-ATPase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YER010C YER010C Bifunctional HMG aldolase/oxaloacetate decarboxylase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ISC1 YER019W Inositol phosphosphingolipid phospholipase C genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YER039C-A YER039C-A Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CAJ1 YER048C Nuclear type II J heat shock protein of the E. coli dnaJ family genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CEM1 YER061C Mitochondrial beta-keto-acyl synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ICL1 YER065C Isocitrate lyase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SWI4 YER111C DNA binding component of the SBF complex (Swi4p-Swi6p) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GLO3 YER122C ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein (ARF GAP) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UBP3 YER151C Ubiquitin-specific protease that cleaves Ub-protein fusions genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
OXA1 YER154W Mitochondrial inner membrane insertase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPH1 YER169W JmjC domain-containing histone demethylase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DEG1 YFL001W tRNA:pseudouridine synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LPD1 YFL018C Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IRC6 YFR043C Clathrin coat accessory factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RMD8 YFR048W Cytosolic protein required for sporulation genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YFR057W YFR057W Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PYC1 YGL062W Pyruvate carboxylase isoform genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NPY1 YGL067W NADH diphosphatase (pyrophosphatase) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
EMP24 YGL200C Component of the p24 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MIG2 YGL209W Zinc finger transcriptional repressor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RTF1 YGL244W Subunit of RNAPII-associated chromatin remodeling Paf1 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RNR4 YGR180C Ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase (RNR) small subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SER2 YGR208W Phosphoserine phosphatase of the phosphoglycerate pathway genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YGR283C YGR283C Putative methyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SLT2 YHR030C Serine/threonine MAP kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BZZ1 YHR114W SH3 domain protein implicated in regulating actin polymerization genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SEC28 YIL076W Epsilon-COP subunit of the coatomer genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ICE2 YIL090W Integral ER membrane protein with type-III transmembrane domains genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
IML2 YJL082W Protein required for clearance of inclusion bodies genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DAS1 YJL149W Putative SCF ubiquitin ligase F-box protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
OPI3 YJR073C Methylene-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HMS2 YJR147W Protein with similarity to heat shock transcription factors genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MDH1 YKL085W Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SDH2 YLL041C Iron-sulfur protein subunit of succinate dehydrogenase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BRE2 YLR015W Subunit of COMPASS (Set1C) complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CSF1 YLR087C Protein with structural similarity to lipid transport protein Vps13p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YLR159W YLR159W Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VAN1 YML115C Component of the mannan polymerase I genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MVP1 YMR004W Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MAC1 YMR021C Copper-sensing transcription factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
VBA1 YMR088C Permease of basic amino acids in the vacuolar membrane genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SNZ1 YMR096W Subunit of a two-component pyridoxal-5'-phosphate synthase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NUP53 YMR153W FG-nucleoporin component of central core of nuclear pore complex (NPC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
GAS3 YMR215W Putative 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SAP30 YMR263W Component of Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
PPA2 YMR267W Mitochondrial inorganic pyrophosphatase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HDA1 YNL021W Catalytic subunit of class II HDA1 histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
KEX2 YNL238W Kexin, a subtilisin-like protease (proprotein convertase) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SLA2 YNL243W Adaptor protein that links actin to clathrin and endocytosis genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MCK1 YNL307C Dual-specificity ser/thr and tyrosine protein kinase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPD3 YNL330C Histone deacetylase, component of both the Rpd3S and Rpd3L complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPS7A YOR096W Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
LEO1 YOR123C Component of the Paf1 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SLY41 YOR307C Protein involved in ER-to-Golgi transport genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
FEX1 YOR390W Protein involved in fluoride export genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
HSP33 YOR391C Possible chaperone and cysteine protease genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YOR394C-A YOR394C-A Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERI1 YPL096C-A Endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein that binds and inhibits Ras2p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RNY1 YPL123C Vacuolar RNase of the T(2) family genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UME1 YPL139C Component of both the Rpd3S and Rpd3L histone deacetylase complexes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DDC1 YPL194W DNA damage checkpoint protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
RPL1A YPL220W Ribosomal 60S subunit protein L1A genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YPL225W YPL225W Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MDM36 YPR083W Mitochondrial protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YPR159C-A YPR159C-A Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YMR315W YMR315W Protein with NADP(H) oxidoreductase activity genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YKE2 YLR200W Subunit of the heterohexameric Gim/prefoldin protein complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
USO1 YDL058W Essential protein involved in vesicle-mediated ER to Golgi transport genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
OCA5 YHL029C Cytoplasmic protein required for replication of Brome mosaic virus genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CDC23 YHR166C Subunit of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
EMC2 YJR088C Member of conserved ER transmembrane complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
DPH2 YKL191W Protein required for synthesis of diphthamide genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
NUP188 YML103C Subunit of the inner ring of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
MOT3 YMR070W Transcriptional repressor, activator genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
FIG4 YNL325C Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns[3,5]P) phosphatase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
VPS17 YOR132W Subunit of the membrane-associated retromer complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
INA17 YPL099C F1F0 ATPase synthase peripheral stalk assembly factor genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HUT1 YPL244C Protein with a role in UDP-galactose transport to the Golgi lumen genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SYT1 YPR095C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Arf proteins genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ESC2 YDR363W Sumo-like domain protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
KAP122 YGL016W Karyopherin beta genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
SPC105 YGL093W Subunit of a kinetochore-microtubule binding complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CDC43 YGL155W Beta subunit of geranylgeranyltransferase type I genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HSE1 YHL002W Subunit of the endosomal Vps27p-Hse1p complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
MAD2 YJL030W Component of the spindle-assembly checkpoint complex genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
PWP1 YLR196W Protein with WD-40 repeats involved in rRNA processing genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
BUB2 YMR055C Mitotic exit network regulator genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
EAF3 YPR023C Component of the Rpd3S histone deacetylase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
SPN1 YPR133C Protein involved in RNA polymerase II transcription genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
CAF40 YNL288W Component of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YOR268C YOR268C Putative protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
UFE1 YOR075W t-SNARE protein required for retrograde vesicular traffic genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ENT4 YLL038C Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
NDC80 YIL144W Component of the kinetochore-associated Ndc80 complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
CHL4 YDR254W Outer kinetochore protein required for chromosome stability genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERV29 YGR284C Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERV25 YML012W Member of the p24 family involved in ER to Golgi transport genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
YJL118W YJL118W Protein of unknown function genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ECT1 YGR007W Ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ERG3 YLR056W C-5 sterol desaturase genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
HRQ1 YDR291W 3'-5' DNA helicase of the conserved RecQ family genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
BET2 YPR176C Beta subunit of Type II geranylgeranyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AFG2 YLR397C ATPase of the CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 (AAA) family, forms a hexameric complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BCK1 YJL095W MAPKKK acting in the protein kinase C signaling pathway genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
ARF1 YDL192W ADP-ribosylation factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AHC1 YOR023C Subunit of the Ada histone acetyltransferase complex genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ARP6 YLR085C Actin-related protein that binds nucleosomes genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ABF1 YKL112W DNA binding protein with possible chromatin-reorganizing activity genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
AFI1 YOR129C Arf3p polarization-specific docking factor genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AUR1 YKL004W Phosphatidylinositol:ceramide phosphoinositol transferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
AIM44 YPL158C Regulator of Cdc42p and Rho1p genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ACB1 YGR037C Acyl-CoA-binding protein genetic 1 1 1 Positive Genetic
ARV1 YLR242C Cortical ER protein genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
ALG11 YNL048W Alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic
BCD1 YHR040W Essential protein required for the accumulation of box C/D snoRNA genetic 1 1 1 Negative Genetic